Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chinese New Year 2010

Chinese New Year (Tiger) is coming soon. It is just few more weeks to go. However, this year will be the first year in my life that I did not celebrate with my whole family. I will back Langkap to celebrate with my brother, who is currently taking foundation studies in UTAR, Kampar. This is because my brother just came here last few weeks and hence, we decided not to back Brunei this time. Nevertheless, my mom will come to visit us from 15th Feb (Monday) to 20th Feb (Saturday).

I only took additional one day leave like last year due to audit deadline. In other words, I will resume work on 18th Feb (Thursday). Now is really a very peak period for us and tomorrow I also have to back office to rush for work. In addition, ACCA results would be officially released on 22 Feb, which is one month to go. I really hope it would be a positive results!!!

I really wish this year will be a better year. One major disaster had already occurred. Earthquake has caused death of thousands of people in Haiti. My condolences to the Haitians and really hope that all this could end fast and no more aftershocks that might affect the rebuilding efforts in Haiti!!!

Happy advanced prosperous chinese new year to all my family members, relatives as well as my friends. Gong Xi Fa Chai!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

BDO Annual Dinner 2009/2010

Last Friday, I attended my 2nd BDO annual dinner at Sheraton Imperial Hotel, the same venue for 2008 BDO annual dinner as well. This also means that I almost worked in BDO for 2 years and I have just promoted to Senior Associate 2. I joined the firm on 18 February 2008 after Chinese New Year. I have learned alot so far and there is no regret for choosing BDO, instead of Big 4 accounting firms, which are more reputable. BDO has a very steep learning curve and I have grew from it.

Back to Annual dinner. The 2009 Annual Dinner has been delayed and held in early 2010
instead of 2009. This year theme was "Kaleidoscope of Colours" and also marked the change of BDO Binder to jus "BDO" effective 1 January 2010. All of its member firms in 115 countries world wide are adopting the single global trading name of ‘BDO’.

This year annual dinner was more entertaining and we had more fun with some gameshow and nice host as compared to previous annual dinner. Here are some photos taken:

BDO Good Friends

Tradewinds Plantation Audit team 2010

Group photo with Audrey, one of BDO Parner

Tai Thong Audit Team 2009 with Mr Lum, our Director

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beginning of 2010!!!

My last day of 2009 and first day of 2010 were spent on doing stocktake in one mill and 4 estates!!! Luckily, I was able to countdown for 2010 at JB with my colleague and other good uni friends.

This year will be another busy year, studying and working for the 1st half of the year as I still left with one more ACCA paper (P6 Advanced Taxation) provided I passed my P7 succesfully when results released on 22 February after CNY.

Look forward for the better year in 2010 and all resolutions would be achieved succesfully!!! I always believe tomorrow will be a better day...Cheers!!!